Press three times, two times, two times, Yellow + Blue, Yellow + Orange, Yellow + Orange, three times, two times, two times, Yellow + Blue, two times. Press Green on the Hyperspeed option at the "Cheats" menu to cycle through them. Press Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow. Press Blue + Yellow, two times, two times, two times, Blue + Yellow, two times, two times, two times, two times, two times.
#Guitar hero 3 pc crash code#
Note: This code cannot be used in Career mode. Press Green + Red, Blue, Green + Red, Green + Yellow, Blue, Green + Yellow, Red + Yellow, Orange, Red + Yellow, Green + Yellow, Yellow, Green + Yellow, Green + Red. This mode increases the size of the timing window. Press Green + Red, Green + Yellow, Yellow + Blue, Red + Blue, Blue + Orange, Yellow + Orange, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue. Note: Enabling this code will glitch online game play. Press three times, three times, Red + Blue, Red(3), Red + Blue, Red(3), Red + Blue, Red(3). Note: This code cannot be disabled once it is activated. Press Yellow + Orange, Red + Blue, Red + Orange, Green + Blue, Red + Yellow, Yellow + Orange, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue, two times, two times, two times, Yellow + Blue, Yellow, Red, Red + Yellow, Red, Yellow, Orange to unlock all songs and Co-op Encores in Quick Play mode. This code cannot be disabled once it is activated. Enter the shop in Career mode to access all items. Note: There will be no sound while entering the four note "chords". Press Green at the "Cheats" menu to turn off a particular cheat. Note: Each note or chord must be strummed. At the main menu, select "Options", "Cheats", "Enter New Cheat", then enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding cheat option.