From this you'll quickly deduce that the Eye-Fi card is somewhat limited in range compared to say you mobile phone or PC.
#Eye fi camera software#
In the software setup, the detection of wireless networks is done by the Eye-Fi card, so you can see the contrast to those that your PC finds. You can configure numerous locations on a card so if your venue is covered by a number of networks, you can set them all up.

It might be that you have a studio in a different part of the office building, or you want to take pictures around the school site, or of a particular event.

The biggest stumbling block might be figuring out how you want to use this new freedom? Given the range of Wi-Fi networks, you could very well be able to roam around a particular venue taking pictures and have them remotely collected at your PC. It's incredibly simple and it just works simply and easily. The system also works with video, so you can transfer video files and have them uploaded directly again to Facebook or to your YouTube account, as well as others. The Eye-Fi card could also be useful for the sort of person who takes lots of pictures in a studio environment, without having to return to the computer to transfer files, or who has someone else working on image processing. The online sharing options include most of the big name sites – Facebook, Flickr, Picasa and so on – and you simply have to plug in your details through the browser and set any permissions that are needed. What is the Pocket-lint daily and how do you get it for free? Of course, you need to establish general rules for the card via your computer: once set, they stay the same. You could simply arrive at a friend's party, configure the card to send your photos to Flickr via their Wi-Fi network and off you go. It's has great potential, as you don't need your PC sitting around turned on, in fact you don't need your PC after configuration of the card. The Eye-Fi Manager offers a Relay option, which lets you send the images to the Eye-Fi servers whilst your computer is turned off, so they will be delivered when you turn your PC back on again, and/or delivered straight to your online sharing site of choice. Generally we found that the images were sent before our test camera went into power saving mode and turned off, so as long as you are aware of what you are doing, it isn't a problem.
#Eye fi camera full#
If you snap a full resolution picture and then turn it off, it won't arrive at your PC. The important part of the operation is your camera, as this needs to be on long enough to send the files out via the Wi-Fi network. The Eye-Fi servers online sit behind the operation and move the image files from one place to another.

The software interface is browser-based and lets you look at your file transfer history, as well as tinkering with all the settings. The system works by sending the image files from the SD card via your Wi-Fi network to a PC or online, or both. We didn't find any slowdown in camera performance over a regular card using a Canon PowerShot S90. You don't need to make any changes to the camera – essentially, the camera has no idea what the SD card is doing, it just writes the data as usual. Once done, you can remove your Eye-Fi SD card from the reader, replace it in your camera and you are ready to start shooting. Configuration is simply a case of setting your network details and defining your preferences.
#Eye fi camera mac#
All the software is on-board for both Windows and Mac users, meaning there is no fiddling around finding the right software. To get started, all you do is plug the card reader and Eye-Fi card into your PC or Mac for configuration. Open the packaging and you have the 4GB SD card and a USB card reader. The system has finally made its way to the UK having enjoyed successes in the US and we've always been keen to take a look, as on paper, it sounds like a crazy concept. Eye-Fi brings this sort of sophistication to any camera that takes an SD card, using Wi-Fi.
#Eye fi camera download#
Wireless transfer of your files is nothing new: some DSLR systems will let you shoot with a wireless connection to your computer - many will let you shoot with a wired connection, stepping around the need to plug-in and download files. (Pocket-lint) - It you take a lot of photographs then you know that workflows are all-important.